Saturday, June 8, 2013

My Faith Journey

Last night I was "stalking" some of the photos from the retreat that finished up this morning. A few in particular reminded me that not only is Blue Skies about fun and games but it is about spiritually strengthening the families, our guests. A time of worship is held several of the mornings.

Communion is served on the last day.

I can't think of too many more beautiful settings than this to worship our Creator.
Reflecting on these pictures reminded me of my own faith story. I typed it up several years ago and I'd like to share it. Pardon my "cut and paste." 
There was a time in my life when I did not know the Lord and felt no pull to get to know Him. I was not raised in a religious home, much less a Christian home. I grew up in the 70’s when it was all about “ME.” And that was modeled well for me in my home. I got through college, graduated and could go wherever I wanted because nursing jobs were a dime a dozen. I had spent a couple summers in Atlanta and loved working at the Children’s Hospital, plus there was this boy. For the first 4 years of my “adult” life, I lived for me, doing as I pleased and doing what was best for me. But you can’t live in the bible belt for long and you can’t work in a pediatric ICU for long without meeting and witnessing people of faith. My full time work was to take care of critically ill and sometimes dying babies and children. The families became like family to me and many of those families were strongly anchored in their faith. The differences in these people and how they handled the tragedies they were facing could not go unnoticed…it intrigued me.  Well I remained in Atlanta but the boy was a thing of the past and I wasn’t getting any younger. A friend from work invited me to attend her singles Sunday school class with her…she said it was really fun and they were doing a study on a book called The Road Less Travelled. So I went to Sunday School. I felt uncomfortable and like I had a sign around my neck saying, “I really don’t belong here.” But there was a nudging from within that kept me going back. I began to make friends. I bought a bible. I started reading the bible. What a blessing these people were to me. And the biggest blessing of all, I met my husband. I wish I could tell you that I had a dot on my life line where my conversion took place and from that point on my salvation was certain; but I can’t. But what I do know in hindsight was that God had a plan for me from the very beginning. That intrigue, that nudging that I felt amongst those families of faith was the Holy Spirit at work in me. I’m pretty sure God knew I would not be an easy sell, but he just kept putting me in situations that allowed me to witness his strength and glory. That all happened almost 30 years ago and I have been on a continual faith journey ever since.
This morning as I was reflecting on this it occurred to me that my preparation for Blue Skies began 30 years ago in that ICU. I think that I am supposed to be using this week to give back (pay it forward) to those families who witnessed to me so many years ago and didn't even know the seeds they were planting. I am a Christian. I am not perfect and I have a long ways to go in my journey. I pray that God will give me the words and the wisdom to be a witness to these families next week and that all that I do will bring honor and glory to Him and to Him alone.

1 comment:

  1. You are a blessing and a powerful witness! Thanks for posting this. I could re-read it a thousand thankful for the faith God has worked/is working in you!
