Monday, June 16, 2014

Here We Go Again!

In less than a month I will be heading to serve for another week at Blue Skies and this time, Gordon is coming with me!!! My retreat will be the 5th one of this season and I cannot begin to tell you how my heart yearns to get back there with every posted picture and update I see on Facebook. I've got the Blue Skies Blues and the only cure is to get back to Port St. Joe!

The ministry increased it's commitment this year from six retreats to eight. Each week a retreat is held, 12 families are served at no cost to them. The cost to the ministry is $3,000 per guest family and they rely on donations to make it happen. Once again, my goal this year, is to raise enough money to send one family. If I raise more, that would be even better!

If you are reading this, YOU are invited to participate with me in this ministry through your prayers, time and/or donations. Volunteers are still needed at the last 3 retreats (I will be a director in October. Would LOVE to have you on my team!). Should you choose to accept this assignment, be prepared for a changed heart. You will not return the same person who arrived. Serving last summer stirred a calling in me that I hadn't felt before; the honor of serving and the blessings returned are immeasurable.

Please consider donating to this ministry. Donations can be made by going to the Blue Skies website,   or by sending a check directly to me, made out to Blue Skies Ministries.