Friday, December 12, 2014

Give this Christmas Away...A night with my Blue Skies Family!

My heart has been filled back up to overflowing after a night with my Blue Skies Family. Last night was the 2nd annual Blue Skies Christmas concert with Christy Nockels and Kenn Kington and it was even BETTER than last year...better because after attending 2 more retreats this past year, my Blue Skies family has grown. Last night was a reunion for all of us in attendance...and if you were not there, you were truly missed.  

Like last year, the music was phenomenal, Kenn was funny AND inspirational and everywhere I turned there was another familiar neck to hug. The program ended with my little friend Zoe being on stage...she had planned to sing but got a case of stage fright at the last minute. I personally think if we had asked her to sing from Frozen (Let it Go!!!) there would have been no holding her back! She came all the way from Columbia, SC to share her little self with us. 

The evening is a big fundraiser for Blue Skies. Last year they raised $75,000 which is good but I know it can be even better. I'm praying that number is far exceeded this year! This is the link to their "Christmas Catalog."

This ministry is such a blessing to so many. Gordon and I plan to "Give this Christmas Away" and hope you will join us. If not to Blue Skies, then give it away to the charity of your choice.We are blessed to be a blessing. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all! 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

How Was Your Week?

"How was your week at Blue Skies?" That is a question I have been asked multiple times since being home less than 24 hours...and my standard answer is, "It was awesome" or, "It was amazing." But what I really want to say is that we need to go to coffee so that I can tell you every single precious story and every single detail of an incredible week that just can't be summed up in one quick response.

It's a story that starts with God's provision of just the right number of volunteers and just the RIGHT volunteers for the six families that we served. It was such a beautiful melding of gifts, talents and hearts that were combined to meet all the various needs of our guests.

It's a story that includes six families in various stages of a journey they didn't ask to take, that of pediatric cancer. Love and hope were provided to all, some of whom were out of medical options for their diagnosis.

It's the story of being equipped to step out of our comfort zones to provide a week of rest, compassion and extreme fun for all. I think about the sweet teen girl who has been an amazing big sister for many years to her younger sister who has been blinded and disabled by a nasty tumor. She loves to fish! While her mom was ministered to in "Pamper Me" time, a volunteer cared for her sister while another group of volunteers arranged a fabulous fishing trip for her.

It's the story of  a week that reminded us all of God's love and redemption as we worshiped overlooking his creation...and of public professions of faith through baptism.

My heart is full...but it is already missing my Blue Skies family. I am so thankful for this ministry and so blessed to be able to be a part of it. How was YOUR week?

Friday, September 26, 2014

A Lesson Learned and a Deposit in my Faith Bank

Ephesians 3:20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory ...

One month ago I was feeling very discouraged about our upcoming retreat...volunteer signup was practically non-existent and I just couldn't figure out WHO at this point would sign up. Kids are in school, families have taken their vacation time and after all, we only had a month left. Our Coach for the week, Stefan, was very trusting and reminded me that this was GOD's retreat, not ours, and that he would provide. Although I wanted to believe that, the controlling side of me was speaking to God and telling (not asking) that if He could go ahead and send those volunteers NOW, I would really appreciate it.We had 8 guest families signed up, excited for a family vacation and a break from dealing with cancer. I have lost many hours of sleep while fretting over this. When will I learn???

The past 10 days that provision has been realized. Not only do we have SOME volunteers but we now have PLENTY of volunteers...including kids! Kids are what it is all about. The guest family kids don't really want to hang out with me, they want to hang out and play with other kids.

 Thank you Lord for sending the children! Stefan was right! And I have gone from worried to excited...and humbled by my doubt.

The directors leave a week from today. I have NO DOUBT that this is going to be a wonderful week. He who is able to do immeasurably more is in control, and thank the Lord for that! This has been one big deposit in my "faith bank" that will hopefully grow, immeasurably more.

Friday, September 5, 2014

A Journey Comes to an End...A New Journey Begins

Very early this morning, my Blue Skies buddy Brayden's 5 year journey with brain cancer came to an end. He, like every other child diagnosed with cancer, was a mighty warrior. As his mom has noted, he never really realized just how sick he was, often worrying about other children who were also sick. He leaves a legacy of courage, love and laughter. He leaves a broken hearted mom and a 3 year old brother who won't understand for a very long time exactly what happened to his brother.

I am not sad for Brayden. His suffering has ended, his body is healed and he has joined his best friend Nolan in Heaven. Nolan and he were diagnosed with the same diagnosis within the same week and lost their battles within just a few months of each other.

 My heart breaks for his mom, for Nolan's mom and for all the parents who have had to take this journey they never asked to take. Ironically, September is Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month. 46 children are diagnosed with cancer each day and 5 children die from the disease each day. Very little research is being done on pediatric cancer. This too, breaks my heart.

I met Brayden and Nolan when I served on my first retreat with Blue Skies Ministries. What an honor to be able to serve these families! In just under a month, I will be serving again, this time as a director. I already know that we have six families excited to come to the beach for a week of fun and healing. I have spent many sleepless nights worrying about HOW we are going to serve them. We need a LOT more volunteers! The fall retreats are typically smaller because kids are in school and parents are back to work. The families that we can accommodate desperately need the time away; they need to be able to come and rest, relax, play and heal. The directors are committed to making it a memorable time for them. The themes are set, the meals are planned...we just need a few more hands. Does this stir anything within you? We would love to have you on our team, serving families just like Brayden's and Nolan's. It promises to change your life forever.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Overflow...Where Did You See God Today?

Dinner is over, the food is put away, the dishes are washed; the evening activities have ended and the "toys" have been picked up. Usually around 9:00 p.m. the work is done for the day. That is when the volunteers gather for "Overflow", a time to decompress and enjoy the memories of the day. While we were gathering, a slide show of pictures from the day was playing and once we quieted, Coach Mike asked the same question each day; "Where did you see God today?"

I see God in the amazing sunsets he provides for us every night at Port Saint Joe.

I see God in volunteers who are being obedient to the call to be the hands and feet of Christ here on Earth.

I see God in these precious children who prayed over Kayden when he was in pain...and in Kayden when he prayed over my cut thumb.

I see God through the heartfelt worship of his people.

... and through changed lives...many were baptized this day.

It's a worthy question at the end of each day,  for when we are intentional in looking for God, God will be most evident and we will come to know Him, not just know OF Him.

Sunday, July 20, 2014


Well, I did a lousy job of updating the blog while we were at Blue Skies. Late nights and busy days kept me away. We are home now and here are just a FEW of the highlights.

Hollywood Night was a new theme at Blue Skies and let me tell you, it was a HUGE hit. The evening consisted of limo rides, red carpet walks, interviews, paparazzi, autographs and photo booths. We ended the night with a wonderful talent show.
Wyatt signing autographs

The decorations were over the top!

Our Limo driver was amazing...such a blessing!
Check out the camera
Wyatt was LOVING the red carpet!

Red White and Blue Skies Night was and still is one of my favorites. The kids decorate anything with wheels; bikes, the golf cart and even the luggage racks. The local police and firemen come and the parade begins. Directly following the parade is a dance party!

Western Night followed our make-up day at the beach on Friday.

It was a BUSY week, filled with hard work and hard play. We got home yesterday and have spent the weekend recuperating and catching up. More in my next post about the differences between this years retreat and last years retreat. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Always Have a Plan B!

Yesterday's schedule went according to plan...we had a wonderful worship at chapel followed by the kids going to their H20 group (crafts, water play, sports, etc), parents meeting in kindred journeys, lunch at 12:30, a beautiful afternoon and lots of fun at the pool. Last night was a delicious cookout followed by "survivor games" on the lawn. We met for our overflow time, right on schedule and then got a great nights sleep. But not every day works out like you planned.

Today started out according to the "plan." We had a wonderful coffee bar with our 3 Barristas (who by the way, just happen to be our condomates!)

Typically on Tuesday of each retreat, our families go horseback riding in the morning at a beach about 10 miles from here. Plan B got enacted when the city of Cape San Blas and Port St. Joe decided TODAY was the day to move a historic lighthouse and to shut down the road to where we go horseback riding and then the beach. So our mighty directors did a little scrambling and found a NEW beach to go to. Now please understand that even though our resort is on a "beach" it is a very tiny beach so we take the families to a bigger and more beautiful beach for the day. This involves loading a trailer with enough beach chairs, beach umbrellas, beach toys, food for get the picture. All they have to do is show up, the rest is provided. So, right after our morning meeting where we got all of the necessary information for the day, we loaded up and headed that way. This is what greeted us when we arrived.

The wonders of modern technology (doppler radar) told us that trying to wait it out was probably futile and the decision was made to head back and go to PLAN C!

Plan C turned out to be actually, quite nice. It's been a very quiet and relaxing afternoon...a great chance to catch my breath, grab a nap and visit. I visited with my friends Salli and Jessica who were busily preparing a meal for 20 as they readied to feed our parents tonight for parents night out.

Plan C also gave me the chance to put some gift baskets together for our moms. I had the help of so many...those back in Marietta who generously donated the items and that of my condo buddy Martha who is crafty and helped me to assemble them and make them pretty.

Today was a reminder that it's always good to have a Plan B (or plan c). Our families know this only too well. They never know when they will have to drop everything for a trip to the emergency room or to change course in treatment. They live their lives in a constant state of not knowing what they next day may hold. They have to always have a plan; who will stay with brothers and sisters not to mention the days missed from work. Today, Plan C was a gift, a chance to catch our breath. Don't forget to always have your Plan B (C and D) in mind!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Food Crew!

...That's my job this year. Sometimes it is truly best not to know exactly what you are saying yes to. I love to cook so thought I should definitely give this a try. Little did I know that what it meant was that on day one of retreat, I would be the lead for the dinner meal. No worries. Thank goodness for so many wonderful people willing to help in any and all ways. The saying, "many hands make for light work" is a good one but even with many hands, it was a LOT of work; but what a great feeling when our guests came in to eat and were greeted with a fiesta of chicken enchiladas, rice, homemade blackbean salsa, watermelon and frozen lemon pie. YUM! Oh yeah, it was for 130 people.

Following dinner, we all went to the beach to hopefully light our lanterns and release them as we encouraged the families to be lifted above the clouds of pediatric cancer...but the winds were a little too strong and headed in the wrong direction. Again, no worries. That just gave us more time to focus on the amazing sunset God provided for our entertainment tonight.

The families are here, the volunteers are at work and another Blue Skies retreat is off to a great start. I can't wait to make new friends (already found one tonight!).

 Gordon and I are tired and thankful to be here serving. Time to put my feet up and recharge my batteries. Tomorrow starts at 7:45 but all the details are covered, including the coffee bar, the Blue Skies Brews!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Bursting with Bubblemint!

Bursting with bubblemint...that's an expression my daughter used to use (and still does actually) when she was really excited about something, like her upcoming birthday, or Christmas.

. Well, I've adopted in in years past and it describes perfectly what I'm feeling tonight. In two days I get to return to Blue Skies for another week of fun and service, and this time my hubby is coming with me!

This time is different because I know what to expect. It's different and even better. Last year I had concerns that I wouldn't "have what it takes" to be a Blue Skies volunteer. Those fears were quickly pushed aside. After all, there wasn't TIME to worry about that. I learned alot about myself in that one short week. I found out that I did have what it takes and that my mighty Father in Heaven had called me to this AND had equipped me for it. Now that's a powerful combination that you cannot turn your back on!

I can't wait to share this week with Gordon. I think he will really enjoy it but most importantly, he will get to experience what it is that I have developed such a passion for. I am grateful he is coming! Thanks Honey.

I will be serving on the Food Crew this week while gleaning wisdom from the guest relations director (that's the role I will be taking at the October retreat). I hope to update each night (if the internet cooperates). I hope you will follow along!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Here We Go Again!

In less than a month I will be heading to serve for another week at Blue Skies and this time, Gordon is coming with me!!! My retreat will be the 5th one of this season and I cannot begin to tell you how my heart yearns to get back there with every posted picture and update I see on Facebook. I've got the Blue Skies Blues and the only cure is to get back to Port St. Joe!

The ministry increased it's commitment this year from six retreats to eight. Each week a retreat is held, 12 families are served at no cost to them. The cost to the ministry is $3,000 per guest family and they rely on donations to make it happen. Once again, my goal this year, is to raise enough money to send one family. If I raise more, that would be even better!

If you are reading this, YOU are invited to participate with me in this ministry through your prayers, time and/or donations. Volunteers are still needed at the last 3 retreats (I will be a director in October. Would LOVE to have you on my team!). Should you choose to accept this assignment, be prepared for a changed heart. You will not return the same person who arrived. Serving last summer stirred a calling in me that I hadn't felt before; the honor of serving and the blessings returned are immeasurable.

Please consider donating to this ministry. Donations can be made by going to the Blue Skies website,   or by sending a check directly to me, made out to Blue Skies Ministries.

Monday, January 20, 2014

A Life Changing Direction

It is no secret that I have been anticipating retirement over the past couple of years. This past December, the option for retiring from school nursing became a reality. Now, as much as I have looked forward to "the day," I still felt like I needed to do some serious praying about what exactly that would look like. I decided that it needed to mirror my summer vacations with one added feature...a lot more time in volunteer service to others. My summers are very balanced with time for being productive, playing and relaxing. As you know, this past summer I added in a week at a Blue Skies Retreat.

As I reflected and prayed about my next phase of life, I thought it would be a good idea to spend some time talking with various agencies that I feel a call to serve. Well wouldn't you know, the phone rang a couple of weeks ago and it was  Melinda from Blue Skies asking if I would be willing to serve as one of 4 directors at the October retreat. The position she needed to fill is the one that, of the four, is the one I would feel most skilled at filling.I gave it some prayerful consideration and answered her the next day witih a "yes."

This past weekend was the annual Director's Retreat. We all arrived Friday (Thanks for doing ALL the driving Allison Gruehn!) in time for a fabulous dinner fixed by some of the most hospitable ladies you will ever meet. After some introductions and a short meeting, we went to our rooms where our beds were turned down and some goodies awaited us.

Saturday morning was some training, some fellowship, an amazing breakfast and Communion. Then it was off to Cape San Blas for a chilly but delicious beach picnic of barbeque! From there we headed for some horseback riding. This was my second time ever on a horse...fortunately it was a slow easy walk along the beach. The purpose of this outing was to give us an idea of what these families will experience and to make sure that we know how to help if we are called on.

We got back to Port Saint Joe in time to watch one of my favorite Blue Skies attractions...sunset.

Sunday we spent time talking about conflict resolution and then spent time with our "like" directors. I will be the director of Guest Relations.
Only 2 directors from my retreat week were able to attend so I look forward to meeting the other two soon. ALL of the directors are amazing people, good people, solid Christians and ready to serve. What an honor to be a part of such a wonderful group. I feel equipped for the challenges that lay ahead and look forward to meeting our volunteers and families.
Is it a coincidence that a position needed to be filled for the October retreat and I just happen to be retiring (there's no way I could leave for a week if I was still working)? I don't believe so. How awesome that God had a plan before I did. He always does! Now if I would just learn to listen!