Yesterday's schedule went according to plan...we had a wonderful worship at chapel followed by the kids going to their H20 group (crafts, water play, sports, etc), parents meeting in kindred journeys, lunch at 12:30, a beautiful afternoon and lots of fun at the pool. Last night was a delicious cookout followed by "survivor games" on the lawn. We met for our overflow time, right on schedule and then got a great nights sleep. But not every day works out like you planned.
Today started out according to the "plan." We had a wonderful coffee bar with our 3 Barristas (who by the way, just happen to be our condomates!)
Typically on Tuesday of each retreat, our families go horseback riding in the morning at a beach about 10 miles from here. Plan B got enacted when the city of Cape San Blas and Port St. Joe decided TODAY was the day to move a historic lighthouse and to shut down the road to where we go horseback riding and then the beach. So our mighty directors did a little scrambling and found a NEW beach to go to. Now please understand that even though our resort is on a "beach" it is a very tiny beach so we take the families to a bigger and more beautiful beach for the day. This involves loading a trailer with enough beach chairs, beach umbrellas, beach toys, food for get the picture. All they have to do is show up, the rest is provided. So, right after our morning meeting where we got all of the necessary information for the day, we loaded up and headed that way. This is what greeted us when we arrived.
The wonders of modern technology (doppler radar) told us that trying to wait it out was probably futile and the decision was made to head back and go to PLAN C!
Plan C turned out to be actually, quite nice. It's been a very quiet and relaxing afternoon...a great chance to catch my breath, grab a nap and visit. I visited with my friends Salli and Jessica who were busily preparing a meal for 20 as they readied to feed our parents tonight for parents night out.
Plan C also gave me the chance to put some gift baskets together for our moms. I had the help of so many...those back in Marietta who generously donated the items and that of my condo buddy Martha who is crafty and helped me to assemble them and make them pretty.
Today was a reminder that it's always good to have a Plan B (or plan c). Our families know this only too well. They never know when they will have to drop everything for a trip to the emergency room or to change course in treatment. They live their lives in a constant state of not knowing what they next day may hold. They have to always have a plan; who will stay with brothers and sisters not to mention the days missed from work. Today, Plan C was a gift, a chance to catch our breath. Don't forget to always have your Plan B (C and D) in mind!
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